development mobile minds monika ebert
mobile minds | monika ebert is a communication consultant
focused on research, strategy and concept.
Collaboration for smart communication.
Consulting, development, support.
monika ebert has more than 20 years of expertise in the fields of management, creation and communication, with a strong digital record, work within different organizational cultures, in leading positions, for national and international clients, companies and brands, numerously awarded.
Research, workshops, sparring, strategy, concept, idea, project support, supervision, choice of creative suppliers, project scope definition.
Consulting, development, support.
ideation + CX + concept
ideation |
There are a lot of good ideas. And manifold ways to develop ideas. But there is a difference between a good idea and a successful one. The latter differs in relevance, simplicity and accuracy – seen through the eyes of your customers. The development of successful ideas requires profund reserach, deep data analysis, deep empathy as well as creative openness, courage and persistence: The courage to think beyond borders and the persistence to continue the ideation, prototyping and testing process until the results really fit the requirements of brand, strategy and business: be it for services, products, presentations, campaigns, websites, portals, claims, stories, films, events etc.
CX + concept |
Concepts are the "bricks" of successful products, services and communication. Based on the needs of customers, strategy, brand and buisness they develop smart modules and network them intelligently into a forceful, full-scale customer experience of brand-, product- and services .
| idee
Es gibt viele gute Ideen. Und facettenreiche Wege diese zu entwickeln. Der Unterschied zwischen einer guten und einer erfolgreichen Idee besteht in Einfachheit, Passgenauigkeit und Relevanz. Die Basis erfolgreicher Ideen sind fundierte Recherchen, die Auswertung vielfältiger Datenanalysen, empathisches Verstehen von Kundenbedürfnissen, kreative Erfahrung und Offenheit. Aber vor allem auch Mut und Ausdauer: Mut, Dinge neu zu denken sowie die Ausdauer, iterative Schleifen von Prototyping und Testing zu ziehen, bis die Idee wirklich "sitzt" – on brand, strategy, business and customer need: Ob für Services, Produkte, Präsentationen, Kampagnen, Stories, Claims, Devices, Sites, Bücher, Paperwork, Portale, Content, Filme, Events etc…
| CX + konzept
Konzepte liefern die "Baupläne" erfolgreicher Kommunikation, Produkte und Services. Anhand den Anforderungen aus Customer Insights, Strategie, Marke, Produkt und Business werden konkrete Bausteine entwickelt und zu einer smarten Customer Experience von Marken-, Produkt- und Servicewelt vernetzt.